Personalised Wellbeing Plans. Four weeks to better health and happiness. By addressing wellness from a bio-individual approach, results become more easeful and tailored to you. With support from research that highlights studies showing the profound effects of nurturing the microbiome and balancing blood sugar. To unlock beneficial effects on your physical and mental wellbeing.

This holistic approach to health is based around four pillars….

Four weeks, Four Focuses

  • PILLAR 1

    Anxiety through mindfulness

    Inventory & Intentions

    Laying the foundations for a healthy life, begins with our mindset and mentality. Firstly we establish where you are and where you want to go with your wellness and set goals that align with your intentions. We will cover a general health history and touch on bio-individuality to make this process tailored to you.

  • PILLAR 2

    Nutrition & Gut Health

    The Microbiome & Gut Health

    By understanding our microbial health we realise how vital our microbes are for keeping us happy and healthy individuals. I can show you the importance of taking care of your microbiome and how best to support it, through diet and lifestyle changes.

  • PILLAR 3

    Yoga & Pilates Tuition

    Hormonal Health & Balancing Blood Sugar

    Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through the blood. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it. Balanced hormones are essential for optimal quality of health and when off balance causes havoc on mental and physical wellbeing. Balancing our blood sugar is the key to feeling steady and calm. By reducing glucose spikes, we help ourselves to hormonal homeostasis and encourage longevity. By learning how to eat in a way that optimises blood sugar balance, we promote optimal energy throughout the day and deeper sleep at night.

  • PILLAR 4

    Lifestyle Choices

    Aligned Action & Lifestyle Design

    Together we implement this new understanding around health and take aligned action with a personalised plan. We will create a lifestyle design and add sustainable healthy habits to encourage growth and results. This is the path to reach a happier and healthier you.

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