
1 Month Programme 

4 Weeks, 4 Sessions

A four pillar path path to optimise your health and wellbeing 

Pursue your optimal potential  

Week 1 – Inventory & Intentions

Week 2 – The Microbiome & Gut Health

Week 3 – Hormonal health & Balancing Blood Sugar

Week 4 – Aligned Action & Lifestyle Design

Week 1. Inventory & Intentions: Health History, establishing where you are and where you want to go with your wellness, setting goals and intentions, creating your correct mindset and mentality.

Week 2. The Microbiome & Gut Health: Microbial wellness, how and why you should take care of your microbes, gut health and the gut-brain axis. 

Week 3. Hormonal Health & Balancing Blood Sugar: How to balance blood sugar and flatten glucose spikes, finding hormonal homeostasis, eating for optimal energy and longevity.

Week 4. Aligned Action & Lifestyle Design: Lifestyle Design for sustainable and practical wellbeing, creating healthy habits, access resources and see results.

PURPOSE: This programme’s purpose is for you to have the ability to transform into the optimal version of yourself, through a targeted plan that unlocks a fresh understanding of our holistic health.

DETAILS: 4, 60 min consultations that are organised prior via email. Performed over zoom. Please get in touch via enquiry, to book your sessions at a time that works for you.

What You Take Away:

  • Knowledge and understanding of how your body operates on a bio individual basis.
  • Refresh and reset your mindset around health without a diet or restrictive approach to wellness.
  • Find and create healthy habits that boost your mental and physical health.
  • Discover foods that work best for your body.
  • Learn how to eat for optimal energy and longevity. 
  • A deep dive into how to improve your microbiome and gut health.
  • Practical take away tips to balance your blood sugar and reduce glucose spikes.


One time payment of £379 

Payment full prior to course start date.

The Amelia Wellbeing terms and conditions apply in all cases.