7 Reasons To Hire a Health Coach 

7 Reasons To Hire a Health Coach 

April 23, 2022 7:35 am

Looking to up-level your life and change your outlook on wellbeing? Working with a health coach could be your answer.

Just like having a fitness trainer or a career mentor, enlisting an expert on wellbeing is the secret to lighting up the way to achieving your wellness goals. Working with an expert dramatically increases the positive results of clients by supporting, guiding and educating. Health coaches are your fast track guide to desired outcomes, in an approachable and accessible way.

A note on readiness. Have you arrived at a place of knowing that you want to get healthier, be more productive and reach your goals? However you find yourself struggling to connect with how to get there, Then a health coach is for you. Most people have the information to get healthier but don’t know how to take action in order to make a transformation take place… This is where a health coach can use their expertise.

Top reasons to commit to a coach:

  1. You will receive a personalised plan. Taking an individualised approach, a coach will guide you to discover what works for you in terms of health and hold space for you to work through blocks. Health coaching is based around the clients bio individuality and how what works for one, may not work for another. A health coach is your wellness co-pilot, you’ll work together to develop a customised plan that takes your individual, physical, emotional and lifestyle factors into account to fit within your unique lifestyle. To ultimately lead you to implement permanent positive change.
  2. You will create clarity around your goals. For many goals may be something they set and never achieve. This is where a health coach can help, as they uncover your why and goal motivation. They will firstly assess your goal readiness and carve out the actionable steps to take in order for you to reach them. 
  3. You will be supported and held accountable. Everyone needs a little encouragement to stay dedicated, motivated and on track. When a partner-ship built on trust and accountability is formed between the coach and the client, the client feels responsible for their own actions and has a steady support system to turn to when a point of low moral occurs. 
  4. A health coach will create the space for you to get granular. This involves getting specific and breaking down the steps. Health coaches have studied many theories and wellness modalities, they know the ins and outs and the science behind why things work and why they don’t. Health coaches can become your own personal wellness dictionary, full of knowledge and wanting to share this with the client.  
  5. A health coach will balance out all aspects with a 360 approach to your health. A health coach is trained to coach with a holistic outlook. Taking in to consideration many factors of the clients over all wellbeing, with areas such as; emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, and environmental elements being at the core of the practice. 
  6. You will have access to unlock a better relationship with yourself. Showing you the steps to self awareness and how to boost self confidence. Many clients come to health coaches, with a serious lack of self esteem. A health coach shows you how and why you should appreciate your mind and body, with the emphasis on the importance of self care and self compassion.
  7. A health coach will share their own top tips, hacks and secrets. Health coaches are wellness nerds, being fascinated by the power we have to feel our best. Health coaches are actively expanding their knowledge by hunting down wellness research, analysing nutritional news, testing recipes, sharing tips, trying classes and taking courses. That means that you get the access to a curated wellspring of information, fresh approaches and answers to keep your health journey interesting up-to-date and enlightening!  We are here to share our stories and spread our messages on tried and tested methods. Most coaches have been in the clients position. Experiencing being completely confused by wellness and how to begin a health journey. Health coaches have gone down different unsuccessful paths, so you don’t have to.  
The journey to health is supported by an approach that is lifestyle integrated. By teaming up with a health coach you are making your path to your ideal health direct and more effortless. When committing to a coach you are committing to yourself to better your quality of living and that in turn will amplify every outcome and create new exciting approaches and opportunities to take place.

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This post was written by Amelia Crossley