The Gut Guide

The Gut Guide

March 24, 2022 4:47 pm

Fad free gut health and the real science behind it 

Taking a look into the science behind a healthy gut and the gut brain connection to create deeper understanding of how and what a healthier gut means and what it will impact.

In this post we will look at why our thoughts cause reactions in the gut and the experience we have when digesting particular foods. We will also cover, why restricting foods can result in an unhealthy gut and why the familiar fodmap diet shouldn’t be a long term solution.

What is definition of gut health?

The actually definition can be defined as the quality and condition of our 9m digestive tract.

What lives within our digestive tract:

Our digestive tract is home to our gut microbiota which includes the tiny cells of living bacteria, fungi and parasites. The good, great, bad and dangerous.

What these microbes control:

The microbes within our gut microbiota regulate hormones, our immunity, nutrient absorption and get the most beneficial factors from what we eat, and our central nervous system. 

Is gut health here to stay?

Well… gut health has never really gone away. Gut health is not a trend and has been a misunderstood key component to health for many centuries. For example, our ancestors were using fermenting food as a preservative method for thousands of years. They were never subscribed to a “diet” and food was always local, seasonal and unintentionally organic. Gut dysfunction wasn’t the huge factor that now effects so many today. A gut friendly way of eating is here to stay and far from diet culture. 

The Impact

When we nourish the gut through nutrition, our bodies can become this unlocking machine towards multiple health benefits. Using key strategies to nourish the gut, allows mind blowing results in areas such as; improved mood, sleep, brain reactivity, digestion and immunity. The gut is our most powerful health shortcut. To optimise our overall health and happiness, the gut needs to be fed and nourished. As the gut effects many other organs in the body. It all begins with the gut and we have the power to decide how well we are going to treat it.

Gut Dysfunction

A sensitive gut is a functional gut disorder and not a healthy or normal state. We may be experiencing some of the following symptoms however, when the gut is so called normal and seen as healthy in tests, however the gut isn’t thriving or working optimally, we can call this gut dysfunction. This Includes: Bloating, tummy pain, Irritable bowel syndrome and digestive issues. We may have heard of a leaky gut before, well this is when gut looses good and bad bacteria throughout the digestive tract. 

But what causes gut dysfunction?

Gut dysfunction can occur when, infections arise, medication is taken or when high stress levels or trauma are experienced. The great news is this is not something that has to become a way of being, it is very much treatable and reversible. 

How To Improve our Gut Lining:

Eat for diversity, aiming for at least 30 different plant based foods a week.

Tap into our parasympathetic nervous system which lowers stress and stimulates mindfulness.

Activate the vagus nerve.

Eat fibrous foods which turn into magical short chain fatty acids in our gut.

Try not to stress around food and micro manage our diets.

Include a pro and pre biotic into our diet daily. 

Get quality sleep, the top part of our gut regenerates when we sleep and fast. 

Fast. Fasting supports the gut, moderate fasts 12-16 hrs allows the gut to rest and regenerate, again if this becomes a stress trigger it can cause more harm than good.

Eat fermented foods.

Incorporate foods that feed the gut:

Nuts and Seeds

Fruit and vegetables 

Whole grains 

Legumes and pulses 

Detrimental Diets 

Restrictive diets can result in a damaged microbiome, and therefor poorer mental health. This is because, to improve our gut lining we must eat diversity and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system towards lowering stress to increasing mindfulness and trying not to stress around food and micro-manage our plate. When we are restricting our food groups we are starving particular beneficial microbes in the gut. Now days we may believe a diet that is free of ;gluten, grains, dairy, soy and nuts, may be the best way to eat, however for a healthy gut diversity this can actually achieve the opposite. Also when we are controlling our food, it tends to create stress in the body, as the brain signals to the gut, the gut then reacts and works against us in causing us dysfunction opposed to working and digesting optimally. This is why many diets usually result in opposing effects than anticipated. We can see this in our skin, nails and hair when it can begin to dull. This also can be shown when weight is not lost, and mood is decreased. We want to look feel and be vibrant and vibrancy begins with a variety of microbes in the gut.  

The Low Down On the Low FodMap 

The low fodmap diet was a medically created diet, originally prescribed for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. The diet protocol takes out many common triggering foods in order to rest the gut and take out the work the gut undertakes when digesting food. The diet is a process for 4-6 weeks and is a short term diet. The Low Fodmap reintroduces all foods eventually, when the gut is rested and ready to include more variety. The diet is not a healthy long term as it starves many microbes in the gut. Our gut thrives on diversity and though this diet may be beneficial for a short period, when subscribing to the diet for an extended length, it results in lost vitality in the gut and in ourselves.


A healthy gut is a 360 lifestyle and a holistic picture that connects the brain and body. To unlock the magic gifts of the gut, we need to see the equal benefits found within both. Nourishing the mind and body will deliver the desired results. Nourish the body and the mind will feel clearer and calm.

Try Out Seed Probiotics

The best probiotic company, that are tried and testing by me! Seed are great because they pride them selves in quality, effectiveness and eco friendly sustainability. I have been using seed for over a year now and have seen a dramatic improvement in my digestion and bloating. I take 2 capsules with water, each morning, on an empty stomach.

“Use my code AMELIAWELLBEING for 15% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic.”

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This post was written by Amelia Crossley