Skincare’s Secret Superfoods

Skincare’s Secret Superfoods

August 4, 2023 8:31 am

The superhero superfoods to support our skincare from the inside out. From hair growth to anti-aging skincare properties, these superfoods will significantly improve your wellbeing.


Superfood has made its mark as something of a buzzword lately, but how have these ingredients earned their title?
These ‘Superfoods’ are defined as nutrient-rich foods that have been shown to promote long-term health and wellness. Superfoods can do so much more, than just make us more beautiful, with their content of vitamins and antioxidants that have been proven to reduce risk of chronic diseases and cancers, promote gut health, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.
So Lets Get To The List;
  • AVOCADOS. Avocados are skincare gold. There’s basically nothing avocados can’t do. They are packed with essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and other antioxidants, they’re also high in protein and vitamin A. They’re especially helpful for hair growth and promote clean hair follicles by keeping your hair’s oil and pH levels balanced. Add Avocado to a salad, your smoothie or the legendary combo of eggs and avocado.
  • LEMONS. Starting the day with warm lemon water? If not its about time, Containing high amounts of vitamin C, soluble fibre and plant compounds, lemons have a variety of beauty benefits, from reducing skin damage and premature aging, to decreasing oil on the skin and inflammation.  Add a squeeze of lemon to any dish but this citrus kick pairs perfectly with cooked veggies or fish.
  • PUMPKIN SEEDS. Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals like manganese and vitamin K, both of which are important in helping wounds heal. Pumpkin seeds are also beneficial when it comes to hair growth, because they inhibit the enzyme responsible for slowing it down. Add them on top of toast or açai bowl.
  • SPINACH. Spinach is a simple superfood to incorporate, since it can be cooked in a variety of ways and it is beneficial for both your skin and hair. Its vitamin A can protect against UV radiation from the sun, and it also fights oxidative stress on the dermal layers of your skin. For hair, its vitamin C promotes growth, and it has high levels of iron, which can help prevent hair loss. Additionally, the biotin in spinach can treat dry, brittle nails.
  • SALMON. Salmon is arguably the best superfood source from the sea. Along with being a solid protein choice, all types of salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids, B12, and iron, which keeps your hair shiny and strong. These same fatty acids help hydrate your skin, keeping its elasticity, and giving you a glow. When buying I recommend going for the wild salmon rather than the farmed because wild salmon is higher in minerals such as potassium, zinc, and iron.
  • EGGS. Eggs are not only elite when it comes to nutrition, but they’re also necessities when it comes to beauty. Egg yolks are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help your skin retain moisture, and the whites contain albumin, a protein that helps tighten pores and remove excess oil. Vitamins A and E, in addition to biotin and folate, can keep your hair thick and strong. For nails, science has shown that the biotin can increase fingernail thickness while decreasing brittleness and their chances of breaking.
  • OLIVE OIL. The food from the greek gods. The ultimate source of healthy fat, olive oil is full of nutrients necessary for your diet. Aside from being great for cooking, olive oil is packed with anti-aging antioxidants and squalene, which helps keep your hair, skin, and nails healthy. Olive oil will moisturise your skin and hair while fighting bacteria, and it can even help your nails grow. Its its good enough for the god/goddesses its good enough for me.

Those were my top superfoods to incorporate into your not so basic skin care self care. Our skin is the first tell of what is going on, on the inside. Let your beauty began with what you put in your body and see the results shine in the natural glow and radiation you will notice with a little consistency to these powerful super foods.

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This post was written by Amelia Crossley